Proje Yürütücüsü:

Ortak Araştırmacılar:

Müge Ekerim Akbulut
Virginia Slaughter University of Queensland
Ted Ruffman University of Otago
Seçil Gönültaş
John A. Hunter University of Otago

Yayın ve Bildiriler

Gönültaş, S., Selçuk, B., Slaughter, V., Hunter, J. A., & Ruffman, T. The Capricious Nature of Theory of Mind: Does Mental State Understanding Depend on the Characteristics of the Target?. Child Development. doi:

Ekerim-Akbulut, M., & Selçuk, B., Slaughter, V., Hunter, J. A., & Ruffman, T. (2018, July). Whom to mind? The role of perceived threat, ingroup identification and political orientation in theory of mind. Poster presented at the 25th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD), Gold Coast, Australia.

Ekerim, M., Selçuk, B., Slaughter, V., Hunter, J. A., & Ruffman, T. (2018, May). Does it matter whose mind we read? The role of cultural similarity, prejudice and threat in Turkish adults’ theory of mind performance toward ingroup and outgroup members. Poster presented at the 30th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science (APS), San Francisco, USA.